Management Consultant Brisbane, Australia | Matt RiemannMatt Riemann

Brisbane, Australia

EXPERT: Healthcare & Technology, Keynote Speaker, Facilitator, Workshop Leader.

Matt Riemann, a leading Health Expert and Thought Leader in Future Medicine and Disease Prevention, Matt’s vision is to eliminate chronic pain and disease from the planet. After founding and building over 5 successful businesses in the past 10 years, he has now founded ph360 and the Ultimate Human Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to transforming world health.

Matt is entrepreneurial by nature and backs up strong intuition with solid grounding in systems, strategy, leadership and promotions. He is a lecturer & clinical educator, having been recognised in Australia by major Universities for his passion, excellence, skill and reputation in furthering the education of health professionals. He regularly training doctors, allied health practitioners and fitness experts internationally in the art and science of the human body.

Matt is currently focused on launching a Personalized Medicine Revolution bringing eastern and western philosophies and medicines together to identify, classify and optimise Personal Health, specifically for each Human. He is working with visionary leaders from around the globe to incorporate the entire mind-body-spirit connections into this experience while conducting scientific, evidence-based research to enable global acceptance and implementation that will improve the Health and the Future of the human race.

“The future health of your family, your community, your organisation and your own self is entirely in your hands.”


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